My Personal Goals for 2020

In December I did my annual review of how my year was.

I don't set New Year Resolutions I generally keep doing more of the stuff I'm doing well and work on ways to improve the things that I want to continue to work on.

My Personal Goals:

  • Stay injury free
  • Enjoy running pain free
  • Maintain my strength programme year round

Over the last 6 years I have trained for Sprint Distance racing aiming to qualify for the European and World Championships. It's been a very, very difficult path navigating a very naughty left Achilles. I still managed to achieve my goals each year, despite never really being 100%.

Mid 2019 after many years of having a triathlon coach and being chronically injured for pretty much all of it (!)  I started planning my triathlon training myself with the help of my husband.

It's been the best thing I ever did for myself :)

I have been uninjured for over 6 months and finally feel like I know my recipe, thank goodness! I have managed to keep my clients injury free better than I have myself, clearly I needed to take my own advice a lot sooner!!!

So, back in September I decided to change the distance I race to Half Ironman or 70.3 with a view to seeing if I could get rid of my injury and do enough running to finish a full Ironman!

I'm finally feeling confident that I will be able to do a full distance Ironman and that's very exciting.

I'm racing the Cotswold113 on 7th June 2020. If that goes well I'll enter another one a couple of months later.

I'm also doing some 10K road races and some duathlon along the way to keep winter training interesting and remind me what racing is all about as it's been a while!

Whatever your personal goals I hope that you give yourself every chance of success x


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