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You Lost Weight But Can Never Maintain Your Results - What Do You Do?

The most common reason people are either on or off diets all the time is because they don’t understand the concept of Maintenance. Dieting is a fairly straight forward process, you put yourself into a calorie deficit by eating less and over time, you will lose body fat and body weight. The main issue I see in clients is that they plan the dieting phase, but they almost NEVER plan the Maintenance phase. If there is no exit strategy out of a fat loss phase to Maintenance, is it any wonder it becomes an all you can eat buffet phase? You’ve worked so hard to lose body fat, it’s a simple process but not easy! Then with no plan on how to maintain your results you eventually end up back where you started, I see it and hear it all the time! If you are working with a coach on a X-week diet with no exit strategy, please ask them how you are meant to maintain your results! If they don’t know, please find a coach who can also help you to do this important phase properly. Your fat loss

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