Periods The Barometer to Hormone Health - Resources
With every woman whose health I discuss the most important marker of their physical health is a regular menstrual cycle so it has to be covered in the initial consultation.
It's a very sensitive subject, especially if a woman talking to me has stopped having periods. It's emotional and I know that they might feel shame and it's not a shameful thing, it's a health concern.
I always start by saying that regardless of the conversation we have they must seek the advice of their GP. I am not a medical practitioner. However, I do appreciate that reaching out to me for advice can be the first step a woman makes in asking for help, that sometimes feels scary.
Unfortunately more than one client has not been given the right support from their GP and that deeply saddens me. I have taken it upon myself to find experts in their field and to be able to at least offer recommendations of people to speak to about recovering their menstrual cycle.
I have worked alongside psychotherapists and dieticians to provide a safe way to train along with compassion as someone who has experienced an eating disorder.
I've also seen some women regain their period within a few months. While that is the start of a much deeper journey it does at least offer hope of just how special a woman's body is that you may regain your period in that space of time.I've listened to some incredible podcasts that have really helped open my eyes to the fact that sadly some GPs are not able to support women in their journey to regain their period.
I have listed below some articles and podcasts that have helped to educate me and start to build a profile of resources to send to my clients for them to decide where to go for support.
Periods The Barometer To Hormone Health This article with Dr Nicky Keay is really enlightening.
Train Brave A campaign to inspire more athletes to share their stories and raise awareness of eating disorders and REDs.
Train Brave Resources A very comprehensive list of links to support services, podcasts and videos, blogs and articles and books that cover a wide range of topics.
Train Brave Podcast Hosted by Renee McGregor leading Sports and Eating Disorders Dietitian, author and co-founder of the successful Train Brave campaign.
Renee McGregor Business website including a quiz if you are unsure whether you need help.
If you are reading this and you have stopped having regular periods, please don't give up hope that you can improve your health and regain your menstrual cycle.
I hope you find these links useful x
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