January - My Least Favourite Month

Why? Because it sends most people who decide to get fitter and healthier into the stratosphere!

Can we all just agree that we have a whole year to build new healthy habits? Your new whatever does not have to be done and dusted in January, be patient and consistent.

The brilliant James Clear has written a book that epitomises how to change habits by committing to the process not focusing on the end result!

How many days in 2019 will you commit to the actions that will lead you to the result you want to achieve?

I'd like to hear more people talk about what new things they are going to do in 2019 than all the things they are going to give up. It feels a lot like we associate January as the month that life pretty much stops!

It doesn't have to be that way.

Likewise, when you do take up something new, try to pace yourself and ask yourself if you are going to be able to continue with your endeavour at this pace for the whole of 2019!

If the answer is no, reassess your plan or ask a friend to sense check it for you.

It's possible to have a Joyous January but to do that you might have to think and do things differently.


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