11 Simple and Free Ways To Improve Your Health
1. Daily Movement
I would hope by now that I don't have to explain the incredible benefits of getting adequate steps in every day. This can be an average but 7,000 average per day is shown to give huge health benefits. It's also a really great way to start to get used to daily exercise.
You can start to add in walks in your breaks, use the stairs instead of the life, park further away from work/shopping, walk after meals, as well as going on a couple of short walks each day. Even doing your housework will increase your daily activity!
2. Find A Free Workout On You Tube
Whatever you are into I know you can find a good workout to follow along to or try at home on your own/at the gym. Is it personalised to you, no, is it going to benefit you, yes! Search for the type of class you.
3. Start the 0 to 5k Run Programme
You start with walking and running and you build up nice and steady over time. I know it's winter but if you can do it now, it will be SO much easier in Spring and by then you could running 5k, go for it!
4. Find Stretching and Mobility Programmes On You Tube
Whatever your fitness level, we can all use a bit more flexibility and to move better, even me! So have a search through and see what you can find and give it a go. I love Kelly Starrett's work, so find his free content of You Tube and thank me later when you are moving better than ever!
5. Start Incorporating Yoga or Meditation
Maybe this type of exercise is the right place for you to start? There is lots of free guided meditation on You Tube, of all durations. My personal Yoga favourite is Yoga With Adriene
6. Drink More Water
We all could be better at this, especially me so let's aim to drink 500ml with every meal and then the coffee/tea in between should come pretty close to keeping us better hydrated. Buy a Stanley cup if it helps you to drink more water, your body will be grateful.
7. Stop Snacking When You Are Bored/Frustrated
I can't tell you the number of clients this has helped! We all do it, yes me included. But a long time ago I started making my meals, actual meals, big, hearty and satisfying and I just don't need to snack as much. If I'm rumble in my tum hungry, I eat a snack and make it as satisfying as I can (and usually high protein too so I feel fuller). Is your snacking an issue? If so, try making your meals bigger and see if you can go between meals without snacks.
8. Stop Smoking
I think we all know this is an no brainer for improving your health but this is just a gentle reminder if you do that by stopping you will immediately improve your health.
9. Stop Drinking Alcohol
A Very Unpopular Opinion! However, when you do the research on alcohol and what it does to your body and mind, you might think it's not such a crazy thing to do. Lots of people don't drink alcohol and survive :) Not everyone who doesn't drink has been an alcoholic, some like me just don't get the hype or feel good as a result of drinking it.
I would also say to my Peri Menopausal women struggling and drinking alcohol, you might be making your symptoms worse, not better.
Moderate Drinking Not Better For Health An interesting read if you think there is a safe limit of alcohol to drink.
10. Plan Your Meals
Is it any wonder you are starving at all times of the day? My top tip to my clients is to write a weekly menu for lunch and dinner Monday-Friday when they are time crunched. This way, you can buy what you need, then simply cook it and eat it! I don't love meal prep but I do have a menu that I buy from every week.
If I don't fancy that meal, it's find I can make something else but at least I'm not trying to work out what I'm going to eat at 7pm.
11. Get 7+ hours Sleep per Night
Lack of sleep impacts every area of your life from working out to functioning properly at work. Granted, new parents do not have this luxury (but hopefully baby gets into a routine soonish!:))
Set a regular sleep and wake time and see the benefits in how you feel with even 1 extra hour of sleep.
Improving your health doesn't have to cost a fortune and if right now you aren't ticking off the boxes above, it's time to get started on some really important aspects of health that won't cost you a single penny!
Shoot me a message if you need some free advice, I love to help you x
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