The 2023 Fitness Christmas Gift Guide
As I write this it's less than 7 weeks until Christmas week! So, to help lessen your burden of thoughtful gifts for the fitness fanatic (or just for you!) I have put together some things myself and my clients have used this year.
Small Equipment
Bands are a great way to add resistance, especially for beginners. Inexpensive and easily portable, many of my clients take bands on work trips.

Light Resistance Band £7.99
Yoga blocks are an easy way to add height to exercises where an increased range of movement is required or to elevate hands or feet.
A barbell pad is a must whether you are doing barbell hip thrusts at home or the gym. The pad protects your hip bones from the pressure of a heavy barbell.
This is a good quality mat which is essential for at home workouts.
When the weight starts getting heavy, you will find you are limited by your grip strength. These are the ones I have, they are an investment. The cheaper ones below are just as good, I just decided I wanted to have these!
I think that straps are a must for everyone, even beginners! If you are limited by your grip strength, you are missing out on strength and muscle gains!
I use these type of straps in the gym for my glute exercises. The strap under the foot is essential for glute exercises where you are trying to get a bigger range of movement.
Heel Wedges are a great way to intensify Quadriceps exercises, they allow you to get an increased range of movement at the knee and therefore more activation of the Quadriceps.
l really like suspension trainers to add variety and intensity to workouts. My clients really enjoy using them too! They are tough, especially when your trainer shows you how to use them properly!
Large Equipment
A step up box can be used in a variety of ways. You can use it as a simple elevation of the hands or feet in push ups or to do weighted step ups. It can also be used for exercises like burpee box jumps if you are really into tough cardio workouts!
A must if you want to look badass in the gym! Or just feel really strong! I have a similar one at home and it's so much fun to see your progression. While gyms were closed I used this to develop my pull ups and it worked!
Dip Bars can be used obviously to do triceps dips, they can also be used to practice pull ups by lying on the floor, hands up onto the bars and pull yourself up off the floor with your feet still on the floor. Much harder than it sounds or looks!
Barbells/Dumbbells & Kettlebells
You can invest a lot of money in barbells if you want to but I have included some budget options which are perfect for beginners. You will also need to buy weight plates for the end but a barbell, REALLY increases the amount of weight you are able to lift in your workouts. It's a great investment.
Most people have some dumbbells lying around the home or garage. I really like Hex Rubber Dumbbells because they will bounce a little (!) and they won't damage your floors (as much!) if you drop them. Another great investment. Barbells and Dumbbells don't wear out, once you have them, you are set for life.
These are the adjustable plates I add to my dumbbells when I am between plates. They will last forever and they are brilliant to help you keep progressing.
A cheaper option than Microgainz but they aren't always in stock.
Another UK company that sells plates to add to your dumbbells.
If I'm honest I don't really use Kettlebells with my clients nearly as much as I used to. If you enjoy Kettlebell workouts, then you can get a great workout with just one or two different weights.
If you like Lululemon but you don't love the price point, then this is the brand for you! I have CRZ Yoga Butterluxe leggings, shorts and bras. I've had a lot of nice comments about them ( a lot of people think they are Sweaty Betty!) Try them once, I think you will love them. The leggings and shorts all have pockets on the side.
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