Workout Splits To Fit Your Schedule

Workout Splits To Fit Your Schedule

2 Days A Week 

2 Full Body Workouts

Rest Day Between Workouts

Include major muscle groups in both workouts

6-7 Exercises is sufficient

3 Sets for Beginners, 4 Sets for Intermediate

3 Days A Week

3 Full Body Workouts or Push/Pull/Legs Split

Rest Day Between Workouts

6-7 Exercises is sufficient

3 Sets for Beginners, 4 Sets for Intermediate

4 Days A Week

2 Upper Body, 2 Lower Body

Rest Day After 2 Days Of Training (unless you can recovery optimally doing them back to back)

4-6 Exercises 

3 Sets for Beginners, 4+ Sets for Intermediate/Advanced

5 Days A Week

3 Upper, 2 Lower (Or 2 Upper, 3 Lower to specialise that area) or Push/Pull/Legs/Upper/Lower

Rest Day After 3 Days of Training (unless you are Advanced and can recover optimally every day)

4-6 Exercises

3+ Sets Intermediate/Advanced

6 Days A Week - Unless you are a competitive Bodybuilder or a very Advanced lifter, highly likely you will not recover enough to do this many workouts, keep progressing and string many solid weeks of training together.

This is just an idea of how to structure your week based on how much time you can dedicate to your workouts. I've had many, many clients achieve great results from 2 workouts per week, consistently for long periods of time. Progress is for sure slower than if you do 4 workouts per week but if that's all the time you can/want to spend then get the absolute best out of yourself in your workouts and be proud of your effort!

If you have any questions please just get in touch x


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