Things I Don't Do As A Personal Trainer

1. Train my partner. I give some advice and leave it there!

2. Make fun of forms of exercise that my clients enjoy. Spin classes, running, Hiit, Dancing, Pilates, Yoga, if it makes you happy we keep it in and I add in the things you want to get better at.

3. Train through pain (No Pain, No Gain) There is a big difference between pain and suffering! Working hard, feeling fatigue and muscles that are getting a bit of a burn, yes. Pain where you are limping or can't move your body properly for days afterwards = A BIG RED FLAG!

4. Expect my clients to change immediately just because they met me. If you have been living your life for decades a certain way, it's going to take a longer than a couple of weeks to change. 

5. Push my clients so hard they can hardly walk/get on with their life after the session. I do not need to push my clients to exhaustion to give them a great workout and most of you have lives that need to be lived when I have gone home!

6. Have a moral compass regarding food. I don't demonise or praise certain foods. Food is not good or bad it's just good. Sure you might want to eat less of some types of food and more of others but I enjoy all foods and so should you.

7. Try to be your physiotherapist. I have a lot of knowledge from 12 years as a Personal Trainer but I'm not qualified to diagnose your injury/long term or imbalances. If the way you move is causing pain, it's time to see a medical professional and get appropriate advice. 

8. Give my clients meal plans. I'm not qualified to do that and neither Personal Trainers without a degree in Nutrition. I have certainly helped many clients build their own plan so that they can achieve their personal goals.

9. Give everyone the same sessions because I don't care enough about what you want to achieve. For sure there are some exercises that everyone benefits from but it's also important that the type and style of the session meets your needs/goals best. Yes it takes time but that's what a premium service should offer.

10. Ignore the fact you have told me you hate/find uncomfortable certain exercises. There are hundreds of ways to work any part of your body so you don't have to do exercises that hurt your back, shoulder, knee or any other part of the body. If you hate Burpees and you want to improve your fitness, there are plenty of alternatives!!!


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