Consistency v Perfection
I would rather my clients were consistent with their exercise programme 80% of the time than 100% of the time.
Not because I want them to put in less effort but because I want them to build a routine with exercise that is sustainable for the rest of their life, not the next X weeks. I also want them to understand my favourite term "Imperfect Action".
When you focus on the routine of completing workouts 80% of the time you can enjoy yourself and still see results, without being exhausted from doing workouts when you feel ill, under recovered, stressed or on days when deep down you know you need a day off!
Your progress will be slower than at 100%. I'm not saying hitting every workout isn't going to get better results but for some it might be more enjoyable and sustainable around a busy life.
My honest opinion is that slower results are best because they are rooted in habit and behavioural change, and fit in to your lifestyle and values.
If you want to ditch the 8 week challenge mentality and the lure of guaranteed fast results, great. I am here to coach you in building a sustainable healthy lifestyle that allows you to thrive.
No matter what your goal, I believe it's vital to still enjoy life on the way to achieving it. I certainly do. I enjoy birthday celebrations, holidays, Christmas without guilt and always achieve the goal I have set.
I do however have realistic expectations and I practice Imperfect Action.
If this resonates with you, please get in touch for a chat x
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