New Year, Same You, Even More Fabulous!
Happy New Year
I love this quote from Martin Luther King
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step".
Whether it's going to the gym for the first time (which can be scary) but before long that feeling might just be replaced with excitement!
Join a class/work with a trainer if you find it difficult to workout alone. The accountability, fun and other people around you can hugely impact what exercise means to you.
Walking more each day, a brilliant way to start your fitness journey 💓 Especially if you can get out in your lunch break to walk in daylight!
Eating more vegetables, we all could do with adding this to our list of new things to add to our lives 🥦 Maybe try some new veg as a way to make your meals more interesting.
Drinking more water, tea, cordials and generally staying hydrated.
Improve the amount of sleep you get. Even 30 minutes more can have a huge impact on how you feel. You never know the impact of something so simple until you try it!
Make time for yourself. Everyone has really busy lives, so find something that makes you feel good, honestly your body doesn't know what you are doing but if it makes you feel good and you do it regularly it's a good thing.
Whatever habits your are trying to build to make you feel better in 2022 build into them. Rome wasn't built in a day and try to work from a place of adding more to your life not taking more away or making your life even smaller.
Where fitness and health is concerned your body will generally respond positively to a gradual increase of exercise not a sudden huge increase!
I hope you can find ways to make 2022 a year of good health and happiness and if you need help getting started just get in touch x
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