Taking action is always better than inaction
Any action is better than no action.
Are you in a place with something in your life where you just feel a bit stuck?
It becomes easy to stay there.
How to you get yourself out of that place?
You just start! One action or one day at a time.
The further away the destination feels the smaller the steps need to be to get there. One walk in the fresh air, see how that feels. Eat some veg at lunch, see how that feels.
Mentally breaking a big goal down into smaller pieces feels much more manageable.
Lose the expectations of being Perfect. No one is. Don't wait for the Perfect day/week/month, there just won't be one.
It's your actions that dictate the outcomes in your life. Identify some positive actions you can take, you'll be pleasantly surprised how you feel more in control.
When you don't feel like doing it, do it anyway!
If you need someone to support you moving any aspect of your health or fitness forward,
I'm here to help you x
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