How I Help My Clients Improve Tension In The Body
I have had many issues over the years, from Achilles Tendinopathy to partially detaching my bicep!
I didn't know how to properly take care of my body and assess if it was moving as well as it should.
After my final major shoulder surgery I was recommended by my excellent therapist Laurence Plant to look at the work of Dr Kelly Starrett The Ready State Kelly's You Tube ChannelI started using his techniques in 2017 via You Tube with great success I started to see a huge improvement in my shoulder mobility. Within 2 weeks I was almost pain free.
All my clients have massage balls and a foam roller as a minimum. If you exercise on purpose you are an athlete and you should know how to take care of your body!
I advocate my clients start with 10 minutes every day.
I assess how they are moving or where they have pain and then suggest a few mobility exercises to release the tension causing the tightness/pain.
Now that we are all working from home, with less than optimum work stations for some I am seeing more and more people come to me with pain, most of which is caused by posture and not having the knowledge to take care of their body.
Doing this sort of work should never make your symptoms worse. It's work that you do gently to help your body move better, it's not aggressive and less is definitely more.
You should be able to do the mobility exercises and breathe easily. If you cannot, then keep working on that exercise until you can breath easily.
Kelly's motto is tissue that moves well is not painful to compression! If you find these exercises pretty grim, keep going, it will get better but also be gentle!
Before bed set aside 10 minutes follow one of the videos and see how you feel afterwards. If you do it with care and relaxed breath I guarantee you will feel better afterwards. Little and often works really well for these techniques so it doesn't take up huge chunks of time.
I believe we should all be able to take care of our mobility and tension. This work doesn't eliminate the need for physiotherapy or sports massage. It does however mean you learn where you are susceptible to tension and you know how to take care of it on a daily basis.
I suggest you try massage balls (like lacrosse balls) not the spiky ones as they are horrific on sensitive parts of the body! I also use a foam roller with a little texture, again the more aggressive the texture the worse it is going to feel and trust me if you are tight you don't need the extra pain!
If you want some help with a particular area of tension or pain feel free to get in touch.
I'm here to help x
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