Some Things Changed As A Result of Covid-19 some things didn't
It's been a really tough few months for pretty much everyone in the world.
In March I was scared about the impact of Covid-19 on my business and quickly that changed to feeling scared about my business, my health, the health of my family and friends.
It was a time where I drew on the support of my husband and many years of counselling to get me through those initial weeks.
As the financial implications became very apparent one of the first things I decided was I would honour any request from my clients to stop having sessions or refund money they had given me in advance with the respect they deserved. I wanted them to be treated the way I would wish to.
As a small business this was terrifying and very upsetting. Many tears were shed in those early days. Almost overnight my business reduced by 75%. I felt like a failure and then I realised my business is not as successful as it once was through no fault of my own. I hadn't done anything wrong.
As soon as the word lock down was mentioned in the media I contacted all my clients to tell them of the hygiene system I had put in place. Which was pretty much to disinfect every piece of kit thoroughly, then repeat that after every use as well as washing my hands on entry and exit to my clients homes (when that was initially allowed). I also avoided touching anything in their homes.
Within days this changed to an email to say I was moving all my sessions online. The weekend before the lock down was announced it became very apparent what was going to happen.
Thankfully the few clients who were with me at the time were more than happy to see how it felt to do the sessions remotely.
It's been working really well and I have felt a really strong connection to my clients. We can still get the work done, we can still sweat and we can still have a laugh while we do it, just not in the same room! I have been able to deliver the same quality in the workouts and can see everything I need to ensure my clients are working hard and I can see them well enough to coach safely.
In a lovely twist of fate it has also meant I have starting working with a couple of clients who live so far away that face to face would not be realistic. It's been a nice surprise to help new clients at a time I assumed I would not be rebuilding my business.
I am still optimistic as ever that I can rebuild my business and I hope that the enthusiasm for exercise I have seen across the country continues to blossom. I have really enjoyed seeing so many more people (whilst a little stressful during a pandemic) out walking, running and cycling here in Oxford. If it takes a global pandemic for people to realise the beauty and benefits of exercise so be it.
Whilst we are a long way from business as usual I can feel the country is moving forward and I am looking forward to seeing new clients in the future.
For now my clients are happy to continue with online training and I am happy to keep everyone safe.
I look forward to seeing them face to face when the time is right x
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