10 Tips To Keep Your Health or Fitness Goal On Track

10 Tips To Keep Your Health or Fitness Goal On Track

  1. Be Consistent - Set yourself a realistic exercise target. 3 sessions (of anything active that you love doing!) per week for 4 weeks
  2. Make your food taste yummy. Add your favourite spices, check out some healthier alternatives. The BBC Good Food app is brilliant, just pop in a few ingredients and voila you always get a super recipe
  3. This is for you - It's your life, your choices so make the ones that help you feel better. There is no right or wrong way, it's a simple case of deciding this is what you want to do and go for it!
  4. Control your mood - If you are starting to feel resentful to the goal you have set yourself, reassess the goal. It's vital that you can enjoy the process and are not an angry mess all of the time. Are you making changes in a way you actually enjoy?
  5. It's Easier For Other People - Nope! All of us struggle to make changes, life throws a spanner in the works all the time. You need to be mentally strong to achieve anything in life. Health and Fitness is no different. 
  6. You Don't Have To Ban Your Favourite Foods/Drinks - You perhaps have to stop them being a daily occurrence and then sometimes having a little every day helps you stay sane! So, try to be sensible with trigger foods or things you struggle to consume in moderation.  
  7. Practice Puts Brains In Our Muscles - The harder you work and commit to your goals, the easier it becomes. Once you know what works for you, you commit to the process and you build the strength mentally and physically to achieve your goals
  8. Don't let friends or family sabotage your efforts - If you don't have people in your life who will be 100% supportive of your efforts it's important to keep this journey just for you. No one knows the exact way for you to achieve your goal, except you! So, try things to see what works but don't let anyone without the right knowledge tell you what you are doing is wrong!
  9. Keep a record of the days you met your personal target - I have an annual planner on my fridge which I cross off each day I met my goal for that day. It's wonderful to see a streak of consistency or to help get you back on track after a couple of missed days. 
  10. Hurry Slowly - A very famous triathlon coach, Brett Sutton has coined this phrase and I absolutely love it. It epitomises everything I think we need to embrace on our journey towards any goal. 


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