The Unhelpful Word "Should"
I have lost count of the number of times I hear a potential client use the word Should.
I don't like that word and I've worked hard to stop saying and even thinking it.
To me it's a word that usually makes people feel bad about whatever it is they "should" be doing but are not! It also rarely instigates the motivation to take action.
I should exercise more...but I don't (or even better I choose not to!) As helpful as it might sound to say the word should, what you are actually doing is reinforcing the fact that you are not taking action.
So how do I try to turn around the negative statement:
A good alternative would be: "I feel mentally and physically healthy when I exercise. I have better energy, I eat better and I sleep really well. It's really important to me to be active".
Then when you do decide to take action, start off slowly and gently! Don't go all guns blazing and burn yourself out in a few weeks. Try to make this new habit one that you are still doing in 3-6 months not until the end of week/month :)
I don't like that word and I've worked hard to stop saying and even thinking it.
To me it's a word that usually makes people feel bad about whatever it is they "should" be doing but are not! It also rarely instigates the motivation to take action.
I should exercise more...but I don't (or even better I choose not to!) As helpful as it might sound to say the word should, what you are actually doing is reinforcing the fact that you are not taking action.
So how do I try to turn around the negative statement:
A good alternative would be: "I feel mentally and physically healthy when I exercise. I have better energy, I eat better and I sleep really well. It's really important to me to be active".
Then when you do decide to take action, start off slowly and gently! Don't go all guns blazing and burn yourself out in a few weeks. Try to make this new habit one that you are still doing in 3-6 months not until the end of week/month :)
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