Do You Believe You Can Get Fit?

I've seen enough clients over the years to know that a big part of starting a journey to health and fitness is actually believing you can do it!

I've said on more than one occasion to a new client, as soon as you start to believe you are stronger and fitter than you think, this is all going to get a whole lot easier. It always does...

Here are a few things to think about to start that belief process:

  • There is no magic wand, everyone who became healthier and fitter had to work hard to achieve their results. If you have achieved success in other areas of your life, you can apply that brilliant work ethic to improving your health
  • Life is about choices. Make some great choices now that help you lead a healthier life
  • Fake it til you make it. I've seen so many clients and listened to the way they talk about themselves. I've instantly thought (and said out loud to them!), right as soon as you believe you can do this it's going to happen and it usually does (true story, many times over)
  • Do this for you. I've seen lots of clients who wanted to change for other people or simply reasons that are not 100% about them. Be proud that you are doing something amazing, just for you
  • Learn to love your body now. Yes, you want to feel better and look better but that might take time. Start today by saying out loud how much you love one part of your body. P.S. Please don't put off buying nice clothes or doing nice things because of your size. Do them and enjoy them
  • The look of happiness I see on my clients when they are making progress is simply the best thing ever. I want everyone to feel that way. Imagine being so proud and happy that you finally achieved something that you didn't think you could, it's infectious and addictive. I also think I get more of a buzz out of seeing you in that amazing place.
  • There is never a right time to start. Honestly, life will always have ups and downs that will try to completely stop you in your tracks. Learning to balance the stresses of life and take care of your health and fitness is pretty tough but it's possible. Remember how important you are!
  • Why not start today? You know deep down you want to do this. Be brave, don't overthink it. 
Belief+Work Ethic=Results! You can do this x


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