Understand Your Why

Last week one of my clients had a breakthrough; she went one whole week without eating a single packet of crisps.

Now this might not seem like a huge breakthrough to you BUT it is my clients’ lightbulb moment. We both know this one act has helped her to turn a corner.

Lots of people find themselves reaching for comfort in food during times of stress/unhappiness or simply out of habit.

The first question I ask my clients is WHY it “really” matters that they become healthier. I don’t just mean the standard answers of losing weight or looking better. We both need to know why it’s going to happen this time. What are the consequences of not doing it this time? Most importantly it’s often what they have to lose that I want us to get to the bottom of. When we know what’s at stake it’s a whole lot easier to understand why making better choices is important.

Understanding Your Why is the first step to making the changes necessary to live a healthier life.

Now my client can of course choose to eat a packet of crisps, they are not banned and nor did I tell her she had to stop eating them completely. Quite the opposite; I actually advise my clients to wean themselves gradually off the foods that are keeping them in unhealthy, unhappy bodies. We simply crave those things more if they are banned!

I know a lot of people think it’s a lack of willpower or motivation that is preventing them from being healthy and active but I really believe it’s a lack of understanding. When you know why it’s important to be healthy that’s the motivation! You will be pleasantly surprised how easily the motivation to eat better and be more active is when you fully understand your why.

Adhering to the world’s best nutrition or exercise plan will be extremely difficult without spending some time thinking about why it’s important beforehand.


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