Hip Update!
So it's been 9 weeks since I had the operation to repair the labrum in my hip, which thankfully went super well!
I have now had my post op review and the great news is the surgeon is very happy with my progress and is allowing me to start to ease back into running and cycling (outside!)
I can't tell you how much it changed my mental health. When we lose the things we love and love doing in our lives it has as much (if not more) impact on our mental health than our physical health.
Having short periods of being able to run (almost pain free) and get out on my bike was the best Christmas present anyone could have given me.
So I'm taking my own advice the advice I give to my clients and starting very slowly with 5 minutes of running 3 times a week and will gently increase it every week. The smile on my face as I put my running kit says it all!
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2015 and I hope you realise all your goals x
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