UK Cold Water Swimming Championships 2015

Greenhouse hat
The head up breaststroke hats look awesome!
There is most definitely a light at the end of the recovery tunnel! On Monday I have everything crossed that I will return to swimming and I can start to get more of the things I love doing back in my life.

It feels very good :)

So on that note I had a date in my diary that today registration opens for the UK Cold Water Swimming Championships and I have duly signed up.

It's only 30m but given that the temperature is likely to be below around -1 degree C it's probably more than enough!

There is also a group Big Splash Jump In to raise money for Frank Water and International Inspiration so of course it would just be silly not to pay your £2 and join in!

Here's the link if you want to join in the fun!!!

UK Open Water Swimming Championships 2015


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