To Succeed You Need To Be Strong Upstairs

The key to success achieving the things you dream of lies in the strength of your brain.

Whether the dream is to have a better body at 40 than you did at 20, do something way outside your comfort zone or live a healthier and happier life, you are going to have to get your brain in shape, first.

The people I have worked with who achieved their goals all have the following and more in common. 

If you are serious about achieving your dreams, set yourself up for success with these tips:

1.   Be prepared to take your time getting there
Accept that it's going to take time to achieve your dream. Make sure you are ready to commit to that timescale. Being patient is vitally important. 

2.   Be prepared to have some short term discomfort
"Nothing worth having ever came easy" Remaining calm and focused throughout this time is going to be challenging at times. You need to be very clear what is motivating you and that motivation will hopefully get your through the tough times (which are an inherent part of making changes).

3.   Focus on the positive not the negative
Achieving something you have never had or haven't had for a long time can feel like it's all about what you are losing out on. Focus on what you are going to gain! Remind yourself of how it will feel to achieve your dream!

4.   Have a plan
"Fail to plan, plan to fail" I'm a huge fan of a good plan! It doesn't need to be complicated. Maybe you download an online plan, maybe you make your own up on a piece of paper or spreadsheet. Whatever you plan, research your dream thoroughly, devise an exercise/food plan that you feel works for you and then GO FOR IT! 

5.   Change Your Habits
Persevere, habits are usually formed over a long period of time so changing them is going to take time, practice and patience. You may not succeed immediately. If you miss a workout, eat a meal that you didn't plan to, it's okay. Stop, press the reset button and start again. Stay focused on your dream and accept that no one is perfect and set backs are perfectly normal when trying to change habits and behaviour.

Get support - While you are accountable for your actions, it is really helpful to have support from people or places that will encourage you in positive ways. There are lots of forums, apps and websites where you can get this support anonymously.

If you want one on one support with someone who has experienced what you are going through and is helping others daily to achieve their dreams then contact me. I'm here to help!

Good Luck!


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