I Can't Run

I’ve lost count of the number of times that I have heard a client or friend say this to me over the years. So why is it so common to believe you can’t run?
The most common cause is trying to run too fast, too long or too soon
You haven’t run for 6 years or more but the first time you go out you expect to be able to run exactly the same as you did the last time you did it (even if it was a significantly long time ago!)

A history of running with information on posture and technique

Another issue I hear is that clients can’t breathe properly when they run. Unless you have an undiagnosed medical condition like asthma (and that is occasionally the case) the usual reason is because as above you are running too fast! The reason your breathing is out of control is that  your body is stressed and your cardiovascular system is not ready to cope with the speed you are running at, yet!

One client I had said the statement above. The first run we did together I said “Just go off at the normal pace you run at and let’s see how it goes”. Well, off they went at a speed that you would think they were trying to run away from me! After 7 minutes of very fast running they stopped and said I can’t run any longer, this is what always happens! The look of despair said it all.

So how did we temper this enthusiasm to help my client become a runner, enter half marathons and find that even asthma doesn’t stop you enjoying running?

We included walk breaks! Everyone wants to run the whole way. We find it very difficult to accept that walking is an acceptable element when we have decided we want to go for a run!

Walking allows you to regain your form, breathing can be more relaxed and you slowly build your endurance and do not require the walk breaks. It is also a very easy way to see progression when you go from requiring the walk breaks to running the entire distance.

So next time you think about running, don’t be afraid to give yourself a break and do a bit of walking and when you are ready start running.

Enjoy it, smile and remember running is meant to be fun!


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