What's The Best Workout For Me?

A question I am asked a lot!

The right answer is workouts that you really enjoy!

If you love dancing and have great co-ordination; maybe it's Zumba. If you have no co-ordination maybe it's running; just one foot in front of the other in the great outdoors.

When I meet a new client one of the most important questions I ask is "What exercise have you loved and hated in the past?". It's vital to me that if you hate running (although it makes me sad!) I don't then say that's what you have to do!

For clients with no exercise history as an adult I start with very varied sessions. We try 10 or 15 minutes of boxing, kettlebells, TRX, bodyweight strength exercises and some dynamic exercises to get the heart racing! It's important early into training sessions to establish exactly what floats the boat of that individual. 

It's also crucial that we have fun; laughter is an important part of good training sessions! Achieving results is obviously the main motivation for working with a Personal Trainer but we are allowed to have fun on the way!

Variety as they say is the spice of life. I encourage my clients to try lots of different types of exercise, you never know what you will really love!

It's fun to have the company of like minded people on your journey to a fitter and healthier you. whether it's a Personal Trainer, group classes or joining a club. 

Go have fun!


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